Wednesday 22 June 2011

Next thursday at 1pm I will be here with Dan, enjoying the sunshine and beautiful beaches. After a lot of worrying, we finally booked it today but I'm yet to receive my confirmation email. If I haven't received anything tomorrow, I'll call them to check everything is in order. I do have reference numbers for everything from the booking, so it should be fine. I just enjoy worrying for the sake of worrying.

I've never been to Portugal before, Dan has many years ago with his family, so I'm excited to visit somewhere new. When it comes to beach holidays, I usually go for Greece but Dan insists that lagos is lovely, and looking at the pictures it does look beautiful. 

I will be spending my 22nd birthday here, I love spending my birthdays abroad and having Dan with me this year just makes it all the more exciting.

Anyway, time to carry on drinking all my dad's earl grey and watch wimbledon.
Over and out.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Today was just an uneventful as yesterday, I still feel awful but I'm trying to get things done. I managed to get my holiday money sorted, just waiting for Dan to sort his out. It's making me a little anxious, so many of the holidays we looked at became more expensive the longer we left it, I really don't want that to happen to this one. Hopefully he will transfer the money today/tonight and I'll be able to book it tomorrow morning.

I am emotionally drained at the moment, looking for jobs is more stressful than I thought it would be.

On a happier note, I've just downloaded a lot of ear candy that might cheer me up slightly.

Monday 20 June 2011

Nottingham, coffee, belgium chocolates and cuddles o’plenty.

Those are all the things I miss doing with my wonderful boyfriend.

On Sunday morning we finally parted ways, after spending a whole month together in Manchester and then for a short while in my hometown. When he left I could feel the emptiness all around me, I couldn't stop crying and I'm still crying on and off at the moment. I had my first night without him last night and it was awful, I wasn't comfy or warm, I wasn't happy or relaxed, I would have done anything to have him back with me. I guess this all sounds a bit over the top to some of you but it is genuinely how I feel, I've never missed someone so much in my life. When he leaves or I leave, I feel like a part of me has been left behind or taken from me, I become lost and unable to make use of our time apart. It is such a strange feeling and it overwhelms me, I wish I could shake it off but I really can't. I never get used to being away from him, it hurts more and more each time. I know that it's only a week until we're together again but it doesn't seem to be any comfort to me.

I miss lying down on my bed, all snuggled up with him, eating the chocolates Dad brought me back from Belgium and drinking coffee. I miss spending time with him and my friends, I miss being able to kiss him whenever I please, I miss making him smile, I miss everything about us and it's only been a day. Most of all I just miss being by his side.

Will someone please make this week go faster?

Sunday 19 June 2011

Due to my lack of internet, I'm having to write my blog posts on my mac and post them whenever I get the chance to go online. I've had a rather eventful week so I need to start posting them and now Dan has left I have a lot of spare time on my hands.
I received my provisional marks for university at the start of the week, I was completely overcome with nerves when my friend told me they were online. My hands were shaking as I typed my log in details into my awful blackberry mobile internet, I don't know why I was so nervous because I passed and with good marks. We get our final marks on the 5th July but I doubt much will have been altered. I almost have something to show for my four years at uni, I was so pleased to find out that I was given firsts for all my scripts, nothing makes me happier than knowing I'm succeeding in the areas I love the most. I plan on spending the summer writing more scripts, amongst the summer frolicking of course, I really want to show production companies that I can write and hopefully I'll get the career I want so badly. In other news, I finally ordered my graduation robes after getting dad to measure my head circumference. This graduation business is starting to feel more and more real thesedays, I'm terribly excited but I hope I don't fall over when I get up there.

Sunday 12 June 2011

A little reminder for myself.

Buy three more years of macbook pro apple care before August, or you'll be teary eyed if your baby ever breaks without cover.

Perfect end to a perfect month.

Yesterday we went to the Parklife Festival, at first it looked like we'd be facing rain and hail all day but it soon went away. By the time we'd got into the park, bought drinks and sat down on the grass, the sun was beaming down on us and  the festival had begun. Since I was 15 I've been going to Leeds Festival every year, this year I can't afford it so Parklife was meant to make up for it. It wasn't the same, obviously, but it meant I had that festival feeling for one summery day. I don't know what it is about festivals but I adore everything about them, the crowds, the constant pounding, all day drinking with no hangover the next day, extortionate food, sun, friends and good bands. The end of the festival yesterday was by far the best part, Two Door Cinema Club were fantastic; Me and Dan danced the night away. I felt waves of happiness wash over me in that last hour, it was bliss to be watching one of our favourite bands together. It just made me even more excited about seeing Bright Eyes and Death Cab For Cutie with him, I think they will be two nights to remember.  Not long after we had to endure a horrendous bus ride back home, but we were back in his basement room in no time, eating nutella on toast and drinking tea.

Today we're packing for the week at mine, we leave at half 6 this evening so I might need to get myself off the computer soon.  I still have soaking wet hair and zero make up on my face, oh and my suitcase has yet to be packed. There's so many exciting things happening in this forthcoming week, I don't know whether to be scared, nervous or excited so I think I'll be all three. 

Friday 10 June 2011

Those quiet days.

Our time in Manchester is almost over, for now anyway, tomorrow is Parklife Festival and sunday night we'll be travelling to my home. The past couple of days have been quite relaxed and uneventful, we spent most of wednesday with Dan's friend and the rest of the time has been spent doing very little. Little trips to asda in the rain, museum visits, curling up with hot chocolate, baking cookies, drinking tea and generally just enjoying eachothers company. Tomorrow will be a long day but a good one, a more lengthy blog entry will be needed for that.

I can hear Bright Eyes - The Ladder Song playing in the kitchen, that is my cue to go give Daniel some company.